Your Trusted Family Doctor
at Home

- Best Doctors in Town
- Health Check up at your home
- At the earliest time
- Full Bengaluru Coverage

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Dr. Abheet Shetty

Founder & CEO JanaVaidya

Since 2021, Dr. Shetty has conducted over a thousand Doctor home visits and teleconsultations, earning their trust as a Family Doctor. His unwavering commitment to honesty and quality healthcare ensures that every service provided meets the highest standards. Through JanaVaidya 50+ doctors from different specialities have conducted more than 2500 home visits. Now he is guiding other doctors to start their independent home visit service in their community. His aim is to help 1,00,000 doctors in the next 5 years and make a revolution in Indian healthcare system by bringing back the concept of doctor home visits and make it a new norm.

Home Visit

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Best Doctor in Town


Emergency Service
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Diagnostics at home

Home Nurses & Caregivers

For Men & Women Available

Medical Equipments

Rental & Buying


Best Hospital Referrals
and many more Home healthcare services


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Trusted Care and Support When You Need It Most

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Insights & Articles

Heart Health and Heart Attack Symptoms & Warning Signs

Heart Health Do you know that the heart generates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles every day? That is the equivalent of driving to the moon and back in a lifetime. Isn’t it incredible? Heart disease has become a major concern in recent years, affecting people of all ages, and thankfully, everyone is […]

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Navigating Flu Season: Strategies to Prevent and Manage Influenza

Introduction: Flu season is an annual occurrence that poses a significant health risk for many individuals. Influenza, or the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can lead to mild to severe symptoms, affecting millions of people worldwide. However, by adopting preventive measures and understanding how to manage the flu effectively, […]

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