Are you constantly seeking doctor home visits just to ensure your eyes are healthy and don’t develop cataracts? or are you experiencing vision problems and worried about your eye health? Well, don’t worry there are a number of steps and lifestyle changes you can make in your home to ensure your eyes stay healthy. Even though one of the best ways to take care of your eyes is through regular eye exams you can always take some more precautionary measures. In addition to regular eye exams, there are other lifestyle changes you can make to reduce the risk of developing cataracts. Today we’ll cover some of these lifestyle changes and what they have to do with cataracts prevention.

1. Eat vitamin C
If you have ever had a doctor on call to get your eye checked you would know that they always recommend taking more quantities of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an important antioxidant that helps keep your eyes healthy and free of cataracts. It works by neutralizing free radicals, which are basically unstable molecules that can cause damage to your body’s cells. Free radicals are produced when you breathe out carbon dioxide, and they can be created by smoking, UV light and pollution. It also helps keep your body strong, so it’s important to get enough vitamin C in your diet. The best sources of vitamin C are lemon, kiwi fruit, oranges and Brussels sprout.
Vitamin C is the single most important nutrient in the fight against cataracts. It helps to reduce inflammation and clear up the lens of your eyes, which makes it easier for light to get through. You can get this vitamin from your diet or supplements, but make sure you’re getting enough of it.
2. Quit smoking
Smoking is bad! You don’t need to hear this from home health care services in Bangalore or Hyderabad, it is known to everyone. However, did you know that smoking considerably increases the risk of developing cataracts? One of the main impacts of smoking is that it impacts the blood vessels in your eyes. Smoking contributes to cataracts by damaging the eye’s lens and causing it to become cloudy. Additionally, smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and other health problems that affect your vision as well.
Smoking can also lead to muscular degeneration which affects your central vision and causes loss of sight in the middle part of your field of vision (central vision). It could also lead to other eye problems like glaucoma or dry eyes. Smoking causes blood vessels to narrow, which interferes with blood flow to your retina, the part of your eye responsible for seeing objects clearly at distance. This means that you may not be able to see as well as you once did! If you smoke cigarettes or weed regularly, consider quitting because it could help prevent cataracts from developing down the line.
3. Take Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant that helps keep your eyes healthy. It’s also important for the production of collagen, which keeps your skin smooth and firm. Vitamin E is found in many foods, including nuts and seeds, vegetables and fruits such as apricots, spinach and pumpkin seeds.
4. Wear shades
Wearing sunglasses can help prevent cataracts from forming in your eyes by increasing the amount of light filtering through your eyeballs. This will reduce the effects of ageing on your cornea and lens, which may help prevent cataracts from forming. Wearing sunglasses that block ultraviolet rays may prevent cataracts because they reduce your exposure to UV light. If you wear sunglasses while outdoors on bright days, you’ll reduce your risk of developing cataracts by about 50 per cent!
5. Keep blood sugar in check
High sugar or diabetes is linked to cataracts, as well as other eye diseases like glaucoma, muscular degeneration, and retinal detachment. If you already have diabetes, it’s important to monitor your blood sugar levels regularly and keep them within a healthy range.
If you’re at risk for developing diabetes, use Janavaidya to talk to the doctor about how much sugar you should be eating every day or how often you should check your blood glucose levels before eating anything that might raise it too high.
6. Limit alcohol
Most instances of emergency doctor consultation at home in Bengaluru or elsewhere are due to alcohol-related illnesses or injuries or accidents. While alcohol can harm you in many ways it can seriously impact your eye health.
Many studies have shown that heavy drinking can seriously increase the chances of developing cataracts in the eye. So best to keep it within the limit.
So, there you have it. Some simple straightforward preventive measures that are guaranteed to keep your eyes cataract free and healthy. The best part about these measures is that they are simple lifestyle adjustments and they are fairly easy to adopt into your routine. With just a little effort you can save yourself a lot of trouble down the road!